16 January 2018

Travel:Macedonia-Ohrid and Bitola

Last year was a year of repeated trips. The end of November, second part of our holiday, we spent in Macedonia (again), Greece and Albania.
 In Ohrid we spent one day, walking by the lake and enjoying fantastic Macedonian cuisine.The main tourist places we have visited last year. Even a boring full day rain did not spoil the beauty of this place.
Плескавицасо kајмак -Pljeskavica with kaymak

Next day on our way to Greece we stopped at Bitola, lovely town near border. It was raining, but we were determined to see as much as we can. 
Народен музеј Битола- National Museum of Bitola-Is located in central Bitola in a former military school, which Turkish Republic founder Mustafa Kemal Atatürk attended in 1896.
Широк Сокак -Širok Sokak street-Wide Alley is a long pedestrian street.
Magnolia Square with the Philip II Statue.
Vergina Sun fountain at the square
Саат кула -Clock Tower
Плоштад Магнолија  -Magnolia Square -Russian Consulate at Magnolia Square 

Јени џамија-Jeni Mosque- was built in 1558. Today, the mosque is used as an exhibition space.
Исак џамија -Ishak Çelebi Mosque-Bitola's largest mosque was built in 1508.
Безистен -The covered bazaar-Bezisten
Dragor River
You should not miss excellent cakes in Macedonia.